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True flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats (Order Diptera)

The order Diptera includes all true flies. These insects are distinctive because their hind wings are reduced to small, club-shaped structures called halters -- only the membranous front wings serve as aerodynamic surfaces. The halters vibrate during flight and work much like a gyroscope to help the insect maintain balance. All Diptera larvae are legless. They live in... more


Blow Flies (Family Calliphoridae)

Common Greenbottle (Lucilia caesar)

Has a metallic green body and silvery jowls below the hairless red eyes. These flies can be found in a wide range of habitats, and are common around houses...  more


Blue Bottle (Calliphora vomitoria)

The head and thorax are dull gray and the abdomen is bright metallic blue with black markings. Its body and legs are covered with black bristle-like hair. The eyes are red and the wings are clear. The legs and antennae are black and... more



Flesh Flies (Family Sarcophagidae)

Common Flesh Fly (Sarcophaga carnaria)

This fly has striking red eyes and very large feet. The thorax has black and grey stripes, and the abdomen has a chequered black and grey pattern that varies with the angle from which it is viewed...  more


Metopia sp. (possibly Metopia argyrocephala)



Dance Flies (Family Empididae)

A Dance Fly (Empis tesselata)

The abdomen is strongly down-curved. The dance fly is frequently seen on open-structured flowers such as hawthorn blossom and on those of members of the daisy and umbellifer...  more



Hoverflies (Family Syrphidae)

Striped Hoverfly (Helophilus pendulus)

Its scientific name (Helophilus pendulus) means "dangling swamp-lover". It is also known as the Sunfly as it does not appear until the sun is shining. Like other members of the genus Helophilus it has black and yellow......  more


A Hoverfly (Syrphus ribesii)

One of a group of small yellow and black hoverflies with yellow legs. This species is a good friend to gardeners, the larvae being active predators of aphids. It is found throughout the summer months and is more... more


A Hoverfly (Scaeva selenitica)


A Hoverfly (Scaeva pyrastri)


A Hoverfly (Sphaerophoria scripta)


A Drone Fly (Eristalis interruptus)

The genus Eristalis is comprised of some 15 species, which are all real look-a-likes and very hard to tell apart. Eristalis interruptus has a dark stripe down its face, and a short, rather... more


Narcissus Bulb Fly (Merodon equestris var. equestris)

This widespread and common hoverfly is a bumblebee mimic, taking on different color forms to match various bumble bees. It is characterized by the strong projection on the hind femur, which gives it a thickened... more

A Hoverfly (Volucella bombylans var. plumata)

This large hoverfly resembles a bumble bee, and even comes in a range of abdomen colors. Unlike the other Volucella species, this one is particularly furry. The antennae of all volucellas are very feathery in... more


A Hoverfly (Myathropa florea)



Dung Flies (Family Scathophagidae)

Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)

Male yellowish brown to shiny gold, densely covered with short upright hair; female duller with shorter hair. Legs are long, hairy, and have reddish-brown tarsi. Eyes red. Wings yellowish brown in front, clear behind...  more



Tachinid Flies (Family Tachinidae)

A Parasitic Fly (Tachina grossa)

Nicrophorus interruptus is closely related to Nicrophorus investigator, but can be distinguished from it by the fact that the foremost orange band on the elytra is interrupted in the middle, and by the yellow hairs on its...  more



Snail-killing Flies (Family Sciomyzidae)

Snail-killing Fly (Tetanocera elata)



Black Scavenger Flies (Family Sepsidae)

Lesser Dung Fly (Sepsis fulgens)



Craneflies (Family Tipulidae)

A Tiger Cranefly (Nephrotoma maculosa)


A Cranefly, Tipula sp.



March Flies (Family Bibionidae)

A St. Mark's Fly, Bibio sp.



Root-Maggot Flies (Family Anthomyiidae)

An anthomyiid fly (possibly Botanophila fugax)




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